The deployment of MobyDQ into production environment is similar to a local setup but requires some changes for the application to run on a remote server. Follow the steps described in the Getting Started page and apply the changes below once you are done.

Create SSL Certificate

If you followed the Getting Started page, you already have a self-signed certificate and its key generated in the project folder ./nginx/config. See files:

  • ./nginx/config/cert.pem
  • ./nginx/config/key.pem

You can reuse this certificate or generate an official one on Let’s Encrypt. If you run MobyDQ on a secured private corporate network, a self-signed certificate is probably enough.

Update Nginx Configuration

Update the file ./nginx/config/nginx.conf to ensure it is aligned with your host name and that it uses the SSL certificate you created. You should modify in particular the following parameters.

  • server_name: two occurences in the file. It must contain your host name without https://
  • ssl_certificate: one occurence in the file. You can keep the default value /etc/nginx/cert.pem; if you use the self-signed certificate created in the Getting Started page.
  • ssl_certificate_key: one occurence in the file. You can keep the default value /etc/nginx/key.pem; if you use the self-signed certificate created in the Getting Started page.


# Server for https
server {
    listen       443 ssl http2;

    ssl_certificate      /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
    ssl_certificate_key  /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
# Default server to redirect http requests to https
server {
    listen 80 default_server;
    listen [::]:80 default_server;

Run Docker Containers

To start all the Docker containers as deamons, go to the project root and execute the following command in your terminal window.

$ cd mobydq
$ docker-compose up -d db graphql app nginx

The web application and the GraphQL API can be accessed at the following addresses depending on your host name.

  • Web application: https://<host_name>
  • GraphQL API interactive documentation: https://<host_name>/graphiql
  • GraphQL API: https://<host_name>/graphql