Data Source
Data sources are systems containing or exposing data like relational databases or APIs. The data_source
table stores information about the systems to which MobyDQ can connect to compute indicators.
Note: MobyDQ only supports connections to data source types listed below: Data Source Type. You can refer to data souce connection strings examples to setup your data sources.
Table: data_source
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier of the data source, used as a primary key. |
name | Text | Name of the data source, must be unique. |
connection_string | Text | Connection string used to connect to the data source. |
login | Text | Login used to connect to the data source. |
password | Text | Password used to connect to the data source. |
connectivity_status | Text | Status to indicate if the connection to the data source works. |
created_date | Timestamp | Record created date. |
updated_date | Timestamp | Record last updated date. |
created_by_id | Integer | Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user created the record. |
updated_by_id | Integer | Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user updated the record. |
user_group_id | Integer | Foreign key of the user_group table, to indicate to which user group the record belongs to. |
data_source_type_id | Integer | Foreign key of the data_source_type table, to indicate which type is the data source. |
Examples of Data Source: More examples of data sources are available in the sample dataset when installing MobyDQ.
Attribute | Value |
name | dq_example_microsoft_sql_server |
connection_string | driver={FreeTDS};server=db-sql-server;port=1433;database=star_wars;tds_version=8.0; |
login | sa |
connectivity_status | Success |
data_source_type_id | 4 |
Data Source Type
Data source types describe the type of systems MobyDQ can connect to.
Table: data_source_type
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier of the type of data source, used as a primary key. |
name | Text | Type of data source, must be unique. |
created_date | Timestamp | Record created date. |
updated_date | Timestamp | Record last updated date. |
created_by_id | Integer | Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user created the record. |
updated_by_id | Integer | Foreign key of the user table, to indicate which user updated the record. |
List of Data Source Type Values
id | name |
1 | Cloudera Hive |
2 | Cloudera Impala (not supported yet) |
3 | MariaDB |
4 | Microsoft SQL Server |
5 | MySQL |
6 | Oracle |
7 | PostgreSQL |
8 | SQLite |
9 | Teradata |
10 | Snowflake |
11 | Hortonworks Hive |